
As the year 2020 comes to a close, public service employees across the country are eagerly awaiting news of the latest collective agreement. Negotiations between unions and the government have been ongoing for months, and the results are finally in. So, what can public service workers expect from the 2020 collective agreement?

First and foremost, the agreement includes a 2.1% wage increase for all employees, retroactive to June 22, 2020. This is in line with the increase agreed upon in the previous collective agreement, and will help ensure that public service workers are fairly compensated for their hard work and dedication.

In addition to the wage increase, the 2020 collective agreement also includes improvements to a number of other important areas. For example, there will be enhancements to the provisions for parental and caregiver leave, allowing employees to better balance their work and family responsibilities.

The agreement also includes changes to the grievance process, making it easier for employees to file complaints and have their concerns addressed. And, there will be new funding for employee training and development, helping public service workers to stay up-to-date with the latest skills and knowledge necessary to do their jobs effectively.

One area of particular interest to many public service employees is job security. With ongoing budget pressures and government cutbacks, job security can be a major concern. The 2020 collective agreement addresses this by providing enhanced job security provisions, including a commitment to avoiding layoffs wherever possible.

Of course, with any collective agreement there are always pros and cons. While the 2020 agreement includes many positive changes and improvements, there are also some areas where progress has been slower than many would have hoped. For example, there are still concerns around workplace harassment and discrimination, and some employees have expressed disappointment with the level of progress made in this area.

Overall, however, the 2020 public service collective agreement is good news for workers across the country. With improvements to wages, job security, and many other important areas, it is clear that the government is committed to supporting its public service employees and ensuring that they receive the fair treatment and compensation that they deserve.