
Writing an internal service level agreement (SLA) is essential for businesses to ensure they are meeting the needs of both their external customers and internal stakeholders. An SLA defines the expectations and responsibilities of a service provider and the recipient of the service. It is a critical document that outlines the level of service that the parties involved should expect and sets the foundation for quality customer service.

To create an effective internal SLA, there are some critical steps you should follow:

1. Identify the parties involved:

Before drafting an SLA, identify the parties involved, including the service provider and the service recipient. The service provider is the department, team, or person responsible for delivering the service, while the recipient is the internal stakeholder or department receiving the service.

2. Define the scope of the service:

The SLA should clearly define the scope of the service, including the services and products provided, the duration of the service, and the expected outcomes. This step ensures that both parties have a shared understanding of what is expected from the service.

3. Set the expectations:

The SLA should outline the particular expectations of the recipient, such as the timeline for response and resolution, the quality of the service, accountability, and transparency. The service provider should also outline their expectations, such as the availability of resources, access to the necessary tools, and processes to follow.

4. Define the metrics:

The SLA should define the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will measure the quality of the service. For instance, response time, customer satisfaction, and productivity metrics. The metrics should be agreed upon by both parties and should have realistic targets.

5. Establish the reporting and review process:

An effective SLA should establish the reporting and review process. This process allows both parties to evaluate the performance of the service and make necessary adjustments to improve the service delivery. The frequency of the review process should be clearly defined in the SLA.

6. Clarify the consequences of failure:

The SLA should define the consequences of failure to meet the agreed-upon KPIs. It should outline how the service provider would remedy the situation and compensate the recipient for the damages caused.

In conclusion, an internal service level agreement is an essential document for businesses to maintain quality customer service and manage their internal operations. It is essential to define the parties involved, scope of the service, expectations, metrics, the reporting and review process, and the consequences of failure. Ensure that the SLA is measurable and realistic, and both parties have agreed to its terms. By following these steps, you can create an effective SLA that will improve the delivery of services to your internal stakeholders.